Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pirates Never Got Booty In Cartegena, Colombia

Upon arriving into Cartegena by boat the energy in the city was different than anything i had experienced in all of Central America. By the time we had spent an evening just walking around town Dave said ¨Cartegena is more beautiful than Rome,¨ and I agree with him 100%. The Cafés spill out onto the streets at night, the ruins are maintained well, the gold museum is small but interesting, and the area has the shape feel and friendliness of Europe but with a Caribbean flair which gives it a completely unique style.

Cartegena was the major port town for the Spanish during their reign over most of Latin America. Much of the gold and other precious metals that were taken from the natives were shipped out of Cartegena. Thus the entire old town is built in a colonial style with a huge wall all the way around the city, and a large fort to protect it.

The Spanish designed the water ways entering the town to funnel all ship traffic into a bottle neck. They then built two more forts (one on either side) of the bottle neck to prevent pirates from entering and rampaging the city. One of the forts was built on an island which is called Tierra Bomba. This can be translated as ¨Bomb Earth¨, or how I prefer to translate it, BOOM LAND.

Today we got on a ¨direct¨ bus from Cartegena to Santa Marta, a trip that should take 3-4 hours. Five bus transfers and eight hours later we finally make it to Santa Marta which is not at all what I was expecting. But this is the jump off point for some beaches and Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) which will take a total of six days. We will probably start on Sunday, and be back to civilization by Friday. Until then!

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