Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Final Breakdown On Colombia:

Country of Origin: Panama
Total time in country: 19 days (I would have liked it to have been closer to 190 days).
Music: Excellent, vallanato like Guiness is just better in it country of origin.
People: Friendly, we had two different taxi drives stop and appologize for not being able to pick us up (thanks guys, but I think there will be another taxi).
Transport: Standard Latin American late, but clean and comfortable
Food: My God! Sopa with every meal, genius! Papas rellenas are great fried food on the go.
Landscape: The three sharp mountain ranges cut your eyes if you are not careful, but it would be a good way to go blind.
Safety: All locations that were said to be dangerous had Colombian army personal around.
Gas prices: 6,500-6,800 Pesos / gal (3.25 - 3.40 USD/gal) despite neighboring Venezuela being around $0.18 per gallon, cheaper than water!
Suprised by: It was thought that Colombia would be like a volitile stock: High risk with high reward. Colombia was all reward with very little risk.
Final word: Colombia has set the bar really high for the rest of South America. It is a must visit for anyone with survival spanish capabilities.
Next stop: Equador

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