Sunday, November 25, 2007

Final Breakdown on Ecuador:

Country of Origin: Colombia
Total time in country: 14 days, but only 6 on the main land.
Music: We have now entered the land of Andean music. This means charangos (10 string guitar), reed flutes, and sheep skin drums that the natives play. They could raise the dead to dance with their lively beats.
People: Galapagos people are a little tourist jaded, country folk are the same in all countries, and I think the artisans in the market would have sold their own children at ¨an extra special price just for you¨ (after all the kids are their handy-work).
Transport: Efficient, safe, and comfortable to the point of being boring.
Food: Exotic fruit juices with every meal, grilled potatoes to make a Texan jealous, and a variety of maize, chocho (a bean like food that locals can't get enough of), and the baked goods like bread and desserts are probably not French quality but they beat most of western Europe for sure. Club beer is the best beer I've had in Latin America, and has won several awards in European tastings.
Landscape: Variety is the spice of life and Ecuador has got it.
Safety: People said Quito was not safe, but we had no problem running around town on public transport and taxis. Outside of town the only danger is the old man that will not let you get off at your stop because he wants to talk more. Zero danger on Galapagos.
Gas prices: 1.48 USD / gal (Ecuador uses the dollar)
Surprised by: We did not realize how much there was to do just in the greater Quito area til we got there. There turned out to be quite a bit that we could have done in country but did not get to. 25 roses cost $1, and when they are in season can be found 50 for $1.
Final word: The Galapagos are not cheap, but the rest of the country is. Ecuadorians are use to dealing with tourists, even those that don't speak a word of Spanish. Any biologist, pretend biologist, or person that thinks flowers and animals are ¨pretty¨ could find something to love about Ecuador.
Next stop: Perú

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