Thursday, November 8, 2007

Medellin: Where the Women Are Gorgeous and the Men Have Mullets

Can some please explain me something... The women here in Medellin are world renown for their beauty. I was skeptical at first, but after a short time in the area I discovered that indeed the rumors were true! But what I couldn't get over was how many men had mullets! as Billy Cosby once said, ¨Someone forgot to tell them not to do that.¨ I think the Cos was talking about neck tattoos, but he should have been talkin' bout mullets. Not only were there mullets, but it was a whole class and style of haircut. There were a whole range including the rattail mullet, the ¨it's really short I'm not sure, no wait, defiantly a mully¨, the ¨I'm bring the mullet back into style¨ mullet, the mohawk mullet, and the one that gets creativity points, the dread lock mullets.

There is definitely something in the water because the women generally speaking are jaw-droppingly beautiful. Dave especially heard the Siren's call, and after a long weekend we finally were able to tear ourselves away from the Island of the Lotus Eaters. We stayed at a hostel which was basically a frat house where everyday was game-day and there was actually a dance move call ¨too high¨. Average bedtime was at sunrise, and someone got mad at me for playing the guitar (outside) after 12 noon because ¨everyone¨ was trying to sleep.

Medellin does not have much to offer the average traveler except a heck of a party on a holiday weekend. As the second largest city in Colombia with roughly 2.2 million people Medellin is a city built in a valley as the industrial capital of Colombia. It is at the heart of the famed Colombian coffee (Read: mafia run cocaine) region. How else would one explain the fact that one few metro rail-car in all of South America is located here if it weren't for the textiles and coffee.

All in all, Medellin was a great stopover and probably a good substitute for Bogotá which we will skip. Colombians know how to throw a good party, and I can say in all earnest that I am glad to be out of there with no illegitimate children and more importantly all my hair still in its un-mullet style.

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